Should Lacrosse Be A Sport?


A lot of the people who say lacrosse can’t be a school sport is because it’s too dangerous and can hurt kids, but football is hurting kids so is soccer lacrosse is the two sports in one with metal, aluminum, or carbon fiber poles so the rules are more harsh so why can’t we have it. They teach it in gym and so why can’t we play. So what is the use of teaching it if there is no team you can play on.

The sport is safe. We use equipment that the pros use. It is a little pricey but we have a lot of kids who play lacrosse in this school and if it was school associated then you could influence the kids who play on a club to get good grades by the pass or play rule we would have a coach who knows how to play and how the sport works.

The school already has some of the equipment and with how many kids we have here who play we would be very good. Now Westwood has it as a club and the school treats it as a school sport not a club the sport is a good sport to teach patience and good sportsmanship an example if a guy hits you in the helmet (which is illegal) you should not hit him back to get revenge but if you are pushing him back to get the ball then that’s OK as long if it’s legal it’s OK.

Lacrosse is safe, we wear helmets made out of the same material as football helmets, elbow pads, and gloves in football you don’t wear elbow pads but yet it’s got just a little less contact than lacrosse so why isn’t look lacrosse offered at schools.

Why should lacrosse be offered in schools?

“Because it’s a fun sport, why should it be treated differently than any other sport at schools.” Trevor Mcbrearty (8)

“It should offered as a UIL sport because it would cost less than having to pay a club.” Adam Busfield (8)

“It’s a great team building sport, very skillful and fun to play. very similar to any other sport, lacrosse teaches you to work hard on your own for the better of the team.” Devin Green (8)

“It’s a new sport for people to experience, it lets you to build friendships on the team and it helps you learn that it’s not  a win for you but a win for the team.” Ike Grossberg (7)

Lacrosse is a good sport for anyone whether you’re small or tall you can always play and your team will always support you. lacrosse teach us the value of teamwork, good sportsmanship, and to communicate. And that’s why lacrosse should be offered as a UIL sport it has good values even though it is a contact sport.