The Pros and Cons of a Juice Cleanse
Juice cleansing is a type of diet where people will only consume juices made from fruits and veggies from 3-10 days at a time. It has become prevalent over the last decade. Although, since these cleanses are restrictive in food groups and proteins, many people doubt their benefits.
Cons of Juicing
Juice cleansing is a very controversial topic in the world of health. Most experts would recommend a sensible and healthy diet that includes the whole food pyramid. According to NY Times: Health Day living says, “But while experts agree that juices are a good way to get more fruits and vegetables into your diet, they shouldn’t be the only source of nutrients.”
Juice cleansing can also lead to a lack of calories, which can cause low blood sugar because the body doesn’t have enough energy. Symptoms may include fainting, weakness, dehydration, headaches, and hunger.
If you were thinking about buying a juicer or juice extractor for your home, you should be prepared to pay anywhere from $35 to $300 for one. On top of that, spending money on the right fruits and veggies can burn a hole in your pockets. Go online and look for a local juice bar if you want to save your money.
Pros of Juicing
Aside from some health risks, juicing can also be very beneficial for the body. Fruits and vegetables are high in vitamins and minerals, which can help strengthen your immune system. It can also introduce healthy enzymes into your body. These enzymes can improve your digestion and your gut to work better.
People who go on juice diets can also lower the risks of certain diseases such as high blood pressure, cardiovascular disease, and type 2 diabetes. Research shows that a person can help protect their cardiovascular system by increasing the number of fruits and vegetables they eat . It can also be very high in antioxidants and decreases the consumption of dietary fats. Although these benefits only last if the person continues to subject themselves to these sorts of fruits and veggies after the diet.
In all seriousness, there isn’t any way to guarantee that juice cleansing will make your life any better or worse. If you are thinking about going on this diet, you should ask your doctor if it’s the right decision for you.
Image Credit: Pixibay

Harmony is a 12-year old who loves watching 80s & 90s movies. She is very resourceful, likes to think outside the box, and puts in her best efforts...