Pokemon is a game loved by generations. People love these “pocket monsters”, but some stand above the rest in terms of stats. Pseudo-legendaries are pokemon with 600 base stats spread among HP (Health), Attack (The amount of damage done on physical attacks), Sp. Attack (damage done on special attacks), Defense (How much damage you take from physical attacks), Sp. Defense (Damage done by special attacks), and Speed (Factor that decides who attacks first). Here are my favorites.
#10: Goodra

Goodra is the only defensive pokemon in this roster. And, although a defensive pokemon is good when you need a rock to keep you in a fight, there is not much other use for it.
#9: Kommo-o

I tried this guy in the Teal Mask, and it is mediocre. Don’t get me wrong-It can sweep. But it’s too slow and has too many weaknesses to be viable. It just falls to any Fairy-type no matter what.
#8: Metagross

Metagross is a tanky supercomputer pokemon, capable of taking hits and dealing massive damage. However, it just dies way too much for me due to its horrible speed. But it still can beat up Fighting-types.
#7: Hydreigon

Hydreigon is somewhat good. It doesn’t have the best speed, but it has a good Sp. Attack, and with a dark STAB (Same Type Attack Bonus), it can one-shot most Pokemon.
#6: Tyranitar

You do not want anything to do with this dinosaur. It hits hard, has a sand stream, and has defense. It just is slow as an anchor and has a lot of weaknesses.
#5: Salamence

This guy is pretty good. It is Dragonite, but with a decent speed and 135 attack. That will make it a force to be reckoned with, that can strike fear into enemies.
#4: Dragonite

This has unusually high defenses for a pseudo legendary, and has a strong attack to boot. It can be a menace to ANYBODY, and its kryptonite is any Ice move, and its mediocre Speed. It literally touches an ice crystal and dies.
#3: Dragapult

This pokemon is a menace to anything in its path. It has the highest base speed in the game-143. That means it is going first to battle every single time, and it hits like a truck. It literally is the stuff of nightmares.
#2: Baxcalibur

The newbie from Pokemon Violet, it’s the Dragon-Ice combo Baxcalibur! This insane pokemon has that incredible typing that can beat up almost anything. It learns some high-damage moves, like Glaive Rush. It also has good other stats that allow it to beat on other pokemon.
#1: Garchomp

If you have ever played Shining Pearl or Brilliant Diamond, you know how Champion Cynthia has the strongest pokemon possibly ever made-her Garchomp. I had to train a Weavile 20 levels to kill it. Garchomp has 102 Speed (Fast!), 130 Attack that one shots everything, can learn Ground moves, which are devastating, and actually can last a few hits. That is ridiculous by itself, but Cynthia shows you it is the best pseudo-legendary.