Star Wars: Jedi Survivor is a Star Wars video game made by EA (Electronic Arts) that follows the story of Cal Kestis, a Jedi trying to survive in a world beginning to be controlled by the Empire. This is a follow-up to Star Wars: Jedi Fallen Order, Cal’s story of regaining his Jedi skills to fight the empire.
Cal’s story is deeply emotional, but has funny parts. It has Cal’s escape from Coruscant (The evil Galactic Capital), losing all his crew on the way. His ship, the Mantis, breaks down and Cal is forced to land on Koboh, a dusty never-was planet in a lawless place. While on Koboh, while trying to find a replacement part, Cal tumbles into a Jedi chamber, where he meets Zee, a droid with memories of Tanalorr, a long-lost planet free from the Empire. Cal dreams of a new future for him and his friends on Tanalorr, and he does anything for it, facing off against the Bedlam Raiders, an organized group of raiders led by Rayvis and Dagan Gera. Cal’s new friend, Bode Akuna, turns on him as a ISB (Spy for the Empire) agent after a fight on Jedha, and goes rogue with Cal’s chance for Tanalorr to protect his daughter, Kata. Cal, now with the dark side, goes to Bode on Tanalorr and kills him in a final duel.
I would rate it 9.5/10. Cal has an amazing story. And it has high replayability, and it is fun to go around killing Stormtroopers and such with Cal’s extensive abilities. The customization is massive in this game, as you can customize your lightsaber, blaster, Cal’s hairstyle, facial hair, and clothing, and you can even change your lightsaber stance, which has 5 stances for battle playstyles.
Although the story is based around Cal, his crew has some parts too. There is Greez, a retired gambler who pilots the Mantis. There is Cere, a Jedi who is Cal’s master after his master (Jaro Tapal) died during Order 66, where his own soldiers betray him. There is Merrin, a Dathomirian Nightsister (basically a witch) who protects the crew with Nightsister magic.
Another thing I would like to add is the lightsaber stances, based on popular Jedi and Sith who use the stances. Cal can go around with a Single bladed lightsaber (like Anakin Skywalker), Double Bladed lightsaber (like Darth Maul), a Twin-Bladed lightsaber (like Ahsoka Tano), a Blaster lightsaber (like Bode Akuna), and a Crossguard lightsaber (like Kylo Ren). My personal favorite is the twin-bladed stance, followed by the double bladed.
Survivor is now on Xbox Series X/S, PS5, Xbox One, PS4, and Windows.