You might have noticed recently that there have been a lot more kids on crutches. But how do these kids feel about their impairment?
“I’m a little embarrassed, the school changed my schedule so I didn’t have to walk as much and they gave me an elevator key,” Hasini Iyer Viswahehan (7) said.
When a student injures their leg and has to be put on crutches, there are a number of things the school can do to help. They can alter a student’s schedule to avoid the use of stairs and long walks, and in the event they have to get down stairs the school nurse can issue the student an elevator key. Finally the students are able to leave class 5 minutes early to avoid getting hurt during passing periods, and ensure they get to their next class on time.
Another issue that is often brought up, is how do fellow students treat them?
“I mean kids are pretty nice about it, and the teacher and staff are very nice too,” Adele Nava (7) said.
Another issue that many face is that there is only one elevator in this giant school, and it is not close to a lot of classrooms. Because of the lack, the elevators often get overcrowded, and this causes a long wait.
“Well we have the school built many years ago and from the amount of students that we have and the ones that use the elevator and I think it works pretty good because the students that need it are less than 1% of the 1300 students we have,” Ms. Granados said.