Easy gift ideas for 2017


Finding the perfect gift may be hard sometimes, here are some gift ideas that are most likely going to please everybody!

  1. A water bottle: I personally love water bottles there is so many designs and types to choose from! There are metal plastic and any kind. My personal favorites are the metal ones. I love them because you can stick stickers from your favorite stores and brands, but a plastic one works just fine.
  2. Filled mason jar: Grab an empty mason jar and fill it up with some chocolates or candy.Grab a chalkboard sticker and stick it in the jar and with chalk write a nice message on it! For the final tough grab a piece of ribbon and tie it around the lid. There you go an easy, fast and inexpensive gift for Christmas or any kind of secret Santa.
  3. A gift card: A gift card is always a great option because they can buy whatever they want in that store.I would recommend a visa gift card if you have no idea what the person likes.you can put it in an envelope with a card written by you or look up a DIY for a nice envelope.
  4. Creative kits: Grab a Christmas gift box and buy items for cooking or making a craft and place them inside of the box in an artsy way.You can choose spatulas, sprinkles and all of those cool things for cooking. Place them in a box and decorate it. Add some lollipops and add some candy and chocolates! Place it all together and there you go! The perfect last-minute gift that you are sure will please someone!