The Logan Paul Disaster
Jake and Logan Paul are now a household name, being on the news for outright disturbing and disgusting acts, ranging from homophobia, racism, and making fun of suicide victims. Most recently, it’s Logan Paul getting the hate. He posted a vlog video on Youtube titled “We found a dead body in the Japanese suicide forest”. It was incredibly insensitive and disturbing, as the thumbnail of the video showed the dead body of a man who recently hung himself, and the video itself zoomed in on his face and hands. Not only that, but Logan went so far as to make comments towards the dead man such as “Are you alive bro?” and even walk towards the body and continue to joke about it. At the end of the video Logan tried to turn it around and said that the video was meant to bring awareness to mental health issues.
Of course, the video immediately got backlash from outsiders, people who are not part of the “Logang”, as Logan calls them. Soon after, the video was deleted, but not before being downloaded and re-uploaded. The most worrying part is that hardly any of Logan’s fans actually had a problem with it, and after the hate and disgust directed towards him, they started several hashtags to support him.
A day after the video was removed by Logan, he released an apology video, and tweeted a several page statement. Soon after, he released another tweet stating that he was taking a break from Youtube and social media as a whole. That was tweeted on several weeks ago, and there has been no activity from him since.
While the backlash was most concentrated on Logan, a chunk of it has been channeled towards Youtube itself, as they hadn’t released any statements or discipline against Logan, and many Youtubers and viewers were advocating for his whole channel to be removed.
Eventually Youtube did release a statement on Twitter, and removed him as a preferred Google partner, but many are not satisfied and demand that he be removed from Youtube permanently.
So far, there has been no word on whether Logan will return to Youtube or social media, but I’m sure that when he does, the hate will continue.

Zack is an 8th grader that appreciates and enjoys almost nothing, with the exception of art, music, and reptiles.