April Fools’ Day
Celebrated every year on April 1st, April Fool’s Day is used as an excuse to play practical jokes and to prank friends. The beginning of this holiday is uncertain, although some believe it was involved in the French calendar reform. However, there are still many theories.
April Fool’s Day is a huge joke in itself, so If you’ve got something up your sleeve, April 1st is the day to plot against your April Fool. Here are a few April Fools pranks you could pull on your friends and family.
Simply print and cut out a cockroach, then place it on the inside of a friend or family member’s lampshade. You’ll know your work is done when you hear screaming.
You can pour gelatin mixed with coke into an empty coke bottle, which will act as a mold. Then remove the gelatin after it has hardened by cutting open the coke bottle. After you’ve added labels and a cap to the gummy bottle it will look extremely real. Imagine the reaction you’ll get when you suddenly bite into a Coke bottle.
Try covering your TV remote’s sensor with a piece of tape, then sit back and watch as your victim rapidly clicks the buttons hoping to turn on the TV.
Use the yellow powder for instant mac and cheese to replace the orange juice in your family’s refrigerator. Mix the powder into a container with water. Hopefully nobody throws up.
Replace the white icing in Oreos© with some old toothpaste. Great for keeping breath minty fresh.
Take a bar of soap and cover it in clear nail polish, then place it in the shower. It will be impossible for them to create any soap suds, causing a lot of confusion.
With a pin needle, poke tiny holes into the unsuspecting person’s waterbottle. When he or she picks it up a light shower will spray everywhere.
Print out a sign that says “Push” and tape it onto a door that should be pulled, or vise versa. Watch as they try to push the door open but continue to fail.
Ask to try out your friend’s brand new phone, but when you get it in your clutches set an alarm for 3 in the morning, change the language to something really foreign and text their mom a weird message. They’ll never suspect anything.
Tell your friend or family member that you bought them a fresh dozen of donuts. Instead of giving them donuts, fill the box with vegetables and anything that they hate. That’s just cruel.
“Hopefully I don’t get pranked… I’m going to be watching my back,” says 8th grader Mishal Karedia. Meanwhile, her friend, 8th grader Alisha Puraliyil is planning her demise. “I’m going to get her so good,” she says. Get your prankster on this April Fool’s Day, but don’t go over the top mustangs!