CVMS Soccer Try-Outs
CVMS soccer try-out are from Monday, April 9th through Wednesday, April 11th. It is a three-day try-out. They start at 3:35 and end at 5:00. Last year the boys’ soccer team got the district championship! We are hoping this year girls and boys can manage to get that title. This year’s coaches are Coach Lugo and Coach Ramirez. Coach Lugo will be coaching the boys and Coach Ramirez will be coaching the girls. Coach Lugo isn’t only a soccer coach, he also taught hurdles for track and 7th-grade boys basketball. Coach Ramirez on the other side taught 8th-grade girls’ basketball.
Coach Ramirez doesn’t only have a sports side : he is also an art teacher here at Canyon Vista. There are about 40-50 girls trying out this year which means that about half are getting cut. Soccer isn’t like basketball or volleyball season. They are in off-season groups, which are sprints, weights and Functional Fitness. There is only one team for girls and one for boys which means that 8th graders and 7th graders are mixed. It is the last sport of the year. It is about the same length as the others seasons. For the boys it is the same thing 7th and 8th graders mixed and the same time length. They are trying out at the same time and will as well have about 23 people chosen for the team. People who do not make the team are eligible to be managers which means that they get the water bottles ready, keep the stats of the games and of the whole season.

Alexia was born in Mexico City and moved to Austin a year ago on September, 4 2016. She loves to read and write, but doesn't like Language Arts. Her favorite...