Editorial: Dress Code at CV
Shorts at finger-tip length, tank top straps must be three fingers wide, and shirts need to cover your behind when you wear leggings. The dress code at Canyon Vista causes many problems to arise. Some students and teachers think the dress code rules are too strict, but others think the rules are perfectly fine the way they are. There are also those who believe the dress code needs more enforcement.
The dress code is mostly enforced at Canyon Vista by the teachers, specifically the gym coaches. I have first period athletics, and that’s usually when they dress code the most. The rule is that typically first period is the time the teachers should check for dress code violations. They always make sure that we’re wearing school appropriate clothing. Sometimes we’ll have consequences for not being in the dress code. The gym coaches have told our athletics class that they don’t want us wearing Lululemon shorts, because no matter how much we pull them down to fit the dress code, they’re never long enough.
There are lots of different views on the school’s dress code. Some people agree with our standards, but some students have different opinions.
“I don’t really like the dress code because I like to wear shorts all the time, and I usually can’t wear them to school. Tank tops, too. I would like to be able to wear whatever I want,” Mythili Shirhatti (8) said. The dress code takes away part of student’s freedom of wearing what they want.
“I think that dress coding students is a waste of time because people are taken out of their classes to go change instead of staying in class and learning. We don’t even have a dress code at Westwood, so I don’t get why we have to have it at Canyon Vista.” Evan Shores (8) said.
There are lots of speculations around campus that girls get dress-coded way more than boys do, and it’s not just a problem at our school. Other schools around the nation have the same problem. Girls do tend to have shorter shorts than boys do, but the reason that girls can’t wear short shorts is to prevent boys from getting “distracted” during class.
“I don’t think guys are distracted by girls wearing shorts unless the boy is gross. It does bother me when guys wear muscle tanks because I don’t want to see their gross armpit hair.” Livvy Williams (8) said.
“I feel like there’s more dress code rules for girls because guys don’t usually wear anything inappropriate to school, and I don’t think guys get distracted when girls wear short shorts.” Darya Mohajeri (8) said.
There’s also another policy that says we’re not allowed to wear clothing with bad language printed on it. I do agree with that rule, because it’s not language you should be using at school and it can make people uncomfortable. I also think it’s good that we’re not allowed to wear shirts that have hate messages against other races or religions because CVMS is a diverse school, and we have many students with different backgrounds and cultures.
I feel like we should, however, be able to wear whatever we want, but I do understand that we need to be appropriate at school. I always wish I had shorts long enough to wear after gym, but none of my shorts are really long enough. Maybe the RRISD dress code rules could be a little less strict.
If you’re not sure about our school’s dress code policies, be sure to check out the Canyon Vista Dress Code.
–Ginna Grant

Ginna is a tall, fun and upbeat 8th grader. She loves sports including volleyball, basketball, and swim. She loves watching the Olympics especially her...