All students across the United States will have to take the Scholastic Aptitude test, an exam that will be the steppingstone toward their future success. Created by the College Board, the SAT is an entrance exam used by most colleges and universities to make admissions decisions. Students can take the SAT in 7th grade, offered by Duke TIP. Students can get accepted into the program if they score high on STAAR Standardized Tests. However, this test does not completely decide what college you will be accepted. Your GPA, extracurriculars, and achievements are other factors will.
The SAT is a national test that has 3 sections, the math, reading/writing, and the essay (optional). Each section is averages to 50-60 minutes long, and it also contains on average, 50-55 questions. The SAT exam is offered nationally every year in October, November, December, January, March, May and June. You can view practice questions, testing dates and registration here.
“Taking the SAT right now will expand your chances to the top schools in America.” said Aman Tewari (7). The score range of the SAT is from 400-1600. To prepare, you should take many practice tests or buy SAT preparation books (Available on Amazon and at your public library). The math section of the SAT is comprised of Algebra I and Geometry. The reading/writing section of the SAT is comprised of english you typically learn in high school.
“The ACT is also a great option, specifically for people who are sharp in math and science.” said Daniel Xiong (8). There is also another test you can be eligible to take. It is called the American College Test (ACT), and it is more straightforward and has a scale of 1-36. It also has a science section, in which the SAT does not. You can also use your calculator for all the math sections.
“I think the SAT is a great test because it not only tests your knowledge, but it tests your IQ and EQ. I believe that it is a need for success.” said Raymond Sun (8). The SAT/ACT is a standardized test that is mandatory for your graduation. The Princeton Review, College Board and Kaplan SAT Prep books are all very good resources to prepare yourself for this very important test.