CVMS Participating In Walkout
This Friday, on the anniversary of the Columbine High School shooting, students all over America will be participating in the National Walkout, including students here at CVMS. Our walkout is student organized and will take place from 10:00 to 10:35, in the area by the bus canopy. It will be a supervised event, with Officer Pope and administration outside with us.
Students will have signs and will be using the time outside to show that we want change, and that we want to push for gun control. It is an impactful event that shows that students care. It shows our school, the district, and the state that we are aware of what’s happening and that we want it to stop.
Along with the walkout outside, there will be a meeting in the lecture hall until 11:01, when students will then return to classes for 4th through 8th period. The meeting will be a time for the organizers of the event to make speeches, and for the group of participating students to discuss what other actions can be taken outside of school.
The administration has made it clear that if we keep the walkout on campus, and around 30-40 minutes, there will be absolutely no consequences. However, any student that leaves campus or stays out longer than the set guideline, will face consequences.
While there are specific student organizing this event at our school, the original movement was started by the survivors of the Parkland school shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas Highschool. However, the principal of Columbine Highschool has recently said that he would prefer there to be a “Day of Action” and keep students in school but discussing the issues at hand.
CVMS is combining those two movements and making it so while we are walking out and showing our support of the movement, we are also taking the time to bond together and discuss what is happening, and how we can change things.
For more information go to @cvmswalkout on Instagram.

Zack is an 8th grader that appreciates and enjoys almost nothing, with the exception of art, music, and reptiles.