Why You Should Drop PE in Eighth Grade
In our school, one class that everyone has taken at one point is P.E. While sixth and seventh graders are required to take it, eighth graders do have an option to drop it. But why should you drop P.E.?
First, the fact that you can take a new elective. People have already taken P.E. for two years. It would make sense to change. Dropping P.E. would open up the option to take an elective. This would allow you to try something new, and possibly fun for your last year of middle school.
A lot of students have problems with tardies after gym. Sometimes, P.E. coaches let students into the locker room a bit late. Students in the class end up not having enough time to change and get late to their next classes. Dropping P.E. would make it much easier to get to class on time, and will greatly improve the amount of hassle for you in a day.
Students not only have a problem with changing fast though. They have a problem with changing itself. The locker room is can have a smell to it. As well as there can be 60-70 kids in there at once. There is also a huge lack of privacy. The room where kids change is very small, and everyone is basically crammed in the room.
P.E., in general, can be a fun, challenging, class. But there are other fun, challenging classes in this school, that may also have added benefits such as getting rid of the problems you face in P.E.

Arsh is an intelligent person who has many hobbies. Arsh also like to hear other peoples opinions. He enjoys swimming and swims competitively. He is interested in...