How is Recycling Good for the Environment?
Recycling is very important as waste has a huge negative impact on the natural environment. Harmful chemicals and greenhouse gasses are released from rubbish in landfill sites if you don’t recycle. Recycling helps to reduce the pollution caused by waste. It helps reduce the need for raw materials so that the rainforests can be preserved. It helps reuse plastic, cardboard, and paper.
What happens if we don’t recycle?
Here are several things that could happen to our precious Earth if we don’t reuse, reduce, and recycle. Landfills will become too massive and crowded with trash and items that could be recycled. The landfills will become too toxic from all the chemicals coming out of Styrofoam, batteries, plastic, paper, and more.
Advantages and Disadvantages of Recycling
Advantages and Disadvantages of Recycling. Recycling helps to reduce energy usage, reduce the consumption of fresh raw materials, reduce air pollution and water pollution (from landfilling) as a result, reducing the need for “conventional” waste disposal and also reduces greenhouse gases emissions.
9 reasons why we should recycle
1. Recycling conserves natural resources
The world’s natural resources are finite, and some are in very short supply. Recycling paper and wood saves trees and forests. Yes you can plant new trees, but you can’t replace virgin rain forest or ancient woodlands once they’re lost.
2. Recycling protects ecosystems and wildlife
Recycling reduces the need to grow, harvest or extract new raw materials from the Earth.
3. It protects people
It is better to recycle existing products than to damage someone else’s community or land in the search for new raw materials.
4. Recycling saves energy
Making products from recycled materials requires less energy than making them from new raw materials. Sometimes it’s a huge difference in energy.
5. It cuts climate-changing carbon emissions
Reducing carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases being emitted into the atmosphere is vital for stopping disastrous climate change.
6. Recycling reduces landfill waste
Dumping our rubbish in landfill tips is hugely wasteful. It’s a waste of good waste.
7. It reduces incineration
Incineration generates energy – We don’t believe this is good.
8. Cheaper than waste collection and disposal
Recycling food waste and green waste is a great idea too, often generating lots of valuable compost that can be used to grow more food and other crops.
9. Recycling creates jobs
30,000 of the new jobs are in recycling directly, with about another 20,000 in supply chains and the wider economy.

Mehak Mehmi is a kind, friendly, and funny seventh grader. She likes playing volleyball but did not get on the team this year because of life. She is a...