Soccer Tryouts
The last sport of the year is here, and tryouts are soon. Soccer is the one sport that you do not have to be in athletics for, so if you have any experience, come try out.
Boys Soccer
Next week, from Monday to Wednesday, you can try out for boys soccer. They are from 3:45 to 5:00 after school. If you get on the team, practices are until 5 pm. Soccer games are on Thursdays at 6:15. You can view the whole boy’s soccer schedule here. See Coach Lugo if you have any questions.
Girls Soccer
Girls soccer tryouts are also Monday through Wednesday, but they are from 6:45 am to 8:00 am. The team is a combination of seventh and eighth graders. 22 people will make it. You can visit the schedule here. Before trying out, sign up by Mr. Ramirez’s art room. See Mr. Ramirez for any other questions.
Other Information
For both boys and girls soccer, you must complete a physical and online paperwork. You can turn it into Coach Govea. If you get on the team, you will get a chance to play against Walsh, Cedar Valley, C. D. Flukes, and many others. You would be practicing three or four days a week. No games will be on the weekends.
If you aren’t interested in trying out, you can still come to watch the games and support mustang soccer!
It’s your last chance to try out for a sport this year, so come on out next week and give it a try!

Hannah McDonough is an eighth-grader here at Canyon Vista. This is her second year in newsmedia and last year, she received a silver medal in UIL for her...