Siblings Reunited
Just recently, Ella Duncan, an eighth-grade student, found her birth sister. She and her sister were both adopted from China as babies, and they had never known each other until now.
Ella’s sister, Faith, is nine years old and lives in Hawaii. Ella first found out about Faith on January 1, and they have kept in contact since. On that day, her mom told her that they had found her sister. Ella called it “A very surreal moment.” They have visited and talked over Facetime and will be taking a trip together soon. Ella’s family was very supportive, and they helped her a lot. Ella is very happy about finding her sister. “It’s something you never really think about when you are adopted. You always wish you had a sibling, but it’s like, ‘Yeah, no,'” Duncan said.
A Little About Faith
Faith lives on a military base in Hawaii since her dad is in the military. She has a sister, Kate. “She lives in a very diverse community,” Duncan said, “And her parents are really nice. They get to go on a lot of trips.” Faith is nine years old.
Here is an interview with Ella Duncan about the experience:

Hannah McDonough is an eighth-grader here at Canyon Vista. This is her second year in newsmedia and last year, she received a silver medal in UIL for her...