8th Grade Girls Basketball Beats Pearson Ranch 38 to 17

“I’m very nervous, but I think we’ll hold up,” stated Sri Boodoo (8), minutes before their game in which they ultimately crushed the Pearson Rattlers 38 – 17. It was a victory made a reality by hard work, persistent training, and the finest of physical integrity.  Personally, I’m not the biggest fan of basketball, but even I see the amount of effort put into this game by these amazing girls. This victory was championed by the graceful and persistent Abby Winkelman, the fantastic Ella Kansas, and the rest of this hard-working crew.”This is probably the best I’ve played all season, and I’m really proud of myself and my team, and I hope we do amazing in the rest of the season.” Of course, they wouldn’t have won without support. When off-court, the girls would launch into riveting cheers that would shake the gym and invigorate their teammates. These girls really have a passion for what they do and it’s inspiring. That passion is their fuel, giving every one of those shots and dribbles across the court’s purpose and direction. Without it, they wouldn’t be able to thrive and succeed as they do.