Welcome Interview with Mrs. Pant!

I interview Mrs.Pant

Mrs. Pant is the newest 6th grade counselor! We are very excited to have her on campus. I got to ask her some questions, and she gave some great responses, and I hope this helps you get to know her!


Q: Where did you start teaching?

A: I started teaching at a preschool and absolutely loved the toddler class.

Q: Where did you go to college?

A: I went to college in India. I have a Masters in psychology and I finished my teacher’s certification and couselor’s certification here in Austin, Texas from Region 13.

Q: Why did you decide to be a school counselor?

A: I knew in my heart that I wanted to work with children after getting my master’s degree in psychology. I continued on to find something that would involve my passion of working with children. My journey started as a preschool teacher, eventually teaching middle school and absolutely loving every second of my job.

Now as a school counselor the coolest thing about my job is that I get to work with all students in the areas of academic success, career development, AND in the personal/social realm. I work in intervention and prevention, helping students that are going through rough times. I also help children develop resiliency skills so that they are better prepared when they hit those rough times.

I love what I do and truly believe it is the best job in the world for me. I want students to develop belief in their ability, emphasize the importance of hard work and education, and help them to set goals for their future and strive to achieve them.

Q: Do you have any pets?

A: Yes, I do. I have a Great Dane and her name is Luna , I rescued her from PAWS of Austin and she is absolutely adorable and a joy to be around

Q: What are your hobbies?

A: I love to play and train my dog, go on hikes with my family, love to dance, and watch movies.

Q: Lastly, how is it like being a first year counselor virtually?

I am very excited to be a counselor at Canyon Vista Middle school. We have the best students, supportive parents, and absolutely amazing staff. The collaboration and support of our community make it an absolute delight to work at CVMS.

First-year in any job is overwhelming and full of challenges. And working virtually has it’s own ups and downs. But I am managing and trying my best to figure out how I can make this situation work and help my students who are also dealing with the challenges of this virtual learning platform which is very new for all of us. Every day with the help of each other, and collaborating not only with students and teachers, but with parent input and suggestions, we are moving forward and getting better in navigating through these uncertain times. I know in my heart that we will overcome this, will be more adaptive to any situation that we face in our lives, and come out of it with flying colors.


Thank you to Mrs. Pant for these answers, and I hope you enjoyed reading this.