Fall Festival Reviews from Students
Interviews from students about the fall festival.
Last week, Canyon Vista Middle School had it’s first festival this year. In lieu of the long gone school dances of pre-covid years, the school organized a Fall Festival with games and activities organized by the National Junior Honor Society and the Student Council. Here are some opinions of students on this event:
Wyatt O’Quinn
“I think that essentially, half of the festival was just waiting in lines for food. I didn’t play any games so I can’t judge, but the food was definitely not worth 50 minutes of my time. The other half of the time, I just played sharks and minnows among other games in the field. Though the lines were tiring, overall, I think it was a good way to raise money and I had a decent time.”
Hrishikesh Satish
“I think that the tickets were pretty expensive, especially if you consider the things you can actually do with just one ticket. Like a slice of pizza isn’t worth a dollar, but I guess since it is a fundraiser for the school, I could open my wallet a little. I didn’t participate in any of the events, I just socialized with my friends. I had an okay time, because the opportunity to socialize made up for the ticket prices and the extremely lengthy lines.”
Arden Choi
“Overall, I liked the fall festival. After a long pandemic without social events, I feel like this was really needed. However, I felt like it was kind of thrown together. Lines were a little too long and social distancing wasn’t a thing.”
Though many people had complaints, the reception was surprisingly positive. Things are still adjusting back into place, and many students are hopeful for more social events in the future.

Hello! I am Sunwoo Choi. I am 13 years old and an 8th grader at CVMS. I love watching movies, reading books, and listening to music. I also like biking...