Meet Ms.Hall Q&A


Earlier this week I interviewed our new Spanish teacher, Ms.Hall.


Q: Where are you originally from?

A: I grew up in San Antonio.

Q: How did you learn Spanish?

A:I learned Spanish starting in my Elementary School from first to fifth grade was all  in Spanish

Q: Is that how you found your love for Spanish?

A: Oh Yeah, Yeah.So then that started when I was about six in First grade.So from a really early age I was involved with Spanish and the culture. Which is easy from San Antonio.

Q: How did you decide you want to become a Spanish teacher?

A: Well I decided I wanted to be a teacher in middle school.So when I was your age I was pretty set that I wanted to be a teacher because I had some really really great teachers that inspired me to help other people learn. It continued in high school when I found out that i was really good at helping my friend study for tests. I was really good at tutoring. So yeah teaching is what I really want to do. I can teach history, social studies, and I can teach Spanish.

Q: What were your first impressions of Canyon Vista?

A: Even before I showed up here, everyone said wow Canyon Vista, what a great school.

Actually my fiance went to Canyon Vista. I heard that it was such an amazing school and absolutely everything I have seen has backed that up. This is such an amazing school.