The 2023 Icepocalypse Leaves Many Without Power and Trees
Tree and Ice Damage
On Tuesday, January 31st all RRISD schools were canceled until Monday, February 6th. The weather left many people without power and without trees.

Travis Shriner (6) lost power on Tuesday, January 31st for a day.
“We mostly stayed at a restaurant to get power, and for charging everything we went in my mom’s truck. We had a propane generator (stove) to cook food,” said Shriner.
The low temperature froze water on trees, which slowly weighed them down until the tree limb broke off. After the temperature rose the ice melted and the trees that did not break would go back upright. Now tree limbs cover yards. If you live in the City of Austin, they will pick up your debris for free. If you do not live in the City of Austin, calling a tree trimming service would be a good idea before their waits become too long. Austin is slowly recovering but it will still take time.

My name is Lucas and I enjoy programming, specifically Python. I also like cooking. My favorite dish to make and eat is sun-dried tomato pasta from Hello...