The AMC8 is a math contest consisting of 25 problems, each of which gets increasingly harder. This contest was created in 1985 and its main purpose is to let middle school students hone their analytical thinking skills and as a side benefit, it can also help in future math classes/careers.
“I think the AMC 8 is really fun and last year, I gained a lot from it because I didn’t take it that seriously so I didn’t get the best score. Since I’m now in seventh grade, I have learned a lot more than last year and I think I will do better this time. I think the AMC 8 lets you think about everything you have been taught and then you have to figure out which strategy to use to solve a problem. I’m also doing AMC8 to help with my high school math classes since they will be pretty hard and I’ll need to be ready to unleash my skills on it,” 7th Grader Pranay Singh said.
Many people start thinking about the AMC 8 in elementary school when they are still learning many things and can get accustomed to the AMC8’s level of math. The AMC 8 requires a lot of time to prepare and a lot of learning to do since some people might not know how to solve a problem. This is why the AMC 8 is taken in January so people don’t have insufficient time to prepare and they don’t have too much time to prepare.
“I started practicing for the AMC 8 in fifth grade so I could get a hang of what problems they were going to throw at me. I think this helped me a lot last year because my parents taught me a lot of strategies and that really helped me think about what to do for each problem. I didn’t get a good score in my last AMC8 so I was determined to get a better score,” 7th Grader Sayan Anand said.
Another factor in participating in the AMC8 is the motivation to get better. This motivation can really help you be more focused in the AMC 8 and that will probably result in you getting a better score.
“I am definitely motivated this year because I want to keep getting better and better at the AMC 8 until I reach my goal which is to pass it. The thing that started my motivation was last year’s AMC 8 when I didn’t do as well as I wanted to, so I practiced even more and even harder and I feel confident that this year I will get a better score,’ Singh said.