March is Women’s History Month across the US, celebrating the diversity of women in science and other big industries.
“I think it’s important to highlight the achievements of certain individuals (like Shirley Chisholm) and make sure we don’t forget, because you know if we forget then maybe we would not remember to honor these individuals that shaped American history,” Ms. Phillips said.
Women’s History Month is aimed at celebrating the achievements and struggles that women have gone through in history.
“I think we should celebrate Women’s History Month because women have gone through a lot in our personal history of the US, and it should be celebrated, the milestones that we’ve reached, and the equality that we’ve obtained that we didn’t used to have,” Mrs. Morgan said.
Women’s History Month is a time for women to celebrate their identity.

“I think it’s to respect what women do because usually people assume that they can’t work in big industries so show respect for them,” Inci Prasala (6) said.
Women’s History Month is a month that you should celebrate with everybody about women’s achievements throughout history.
“In the school every day (I would like to celebrate Women’s History Month), surrounded by the awesome and amazing women coworkers I get to work with,” Morgan said.