French club
The French club is a club that usually meets up in the mornings, but sometimes meets up in the afternoon as well. Ms.Mattioli is the French teacher. She teaches 6th, 7th and 8th graders.
The French club is a good way to learn French because the activities that you do are in French. You get to sometimes eat brioche and hot chocolate, only if it is in the morning though. My favorite activity that we ever did was the scavenger hunt. We got to go look for objects and take pictures around the school.
It is a very organized club because we even got to vote for club president, secretary, vice-president,and treasurer . Ms. Mattioli is a very nice teacher because she tries to make learning fun but at the same time she wants you to learn. She says hi to everybody in the hallway. I already knew French last year, but it was still nice to go to the club because you get to help students who are learning French. It is also fun to go there because there is always something to do. I enjoy being in an environment where everybody is ready to learn and have fun.
So if you are looking forward in to signing up for a club the French club is always a good option because even if you don’t know French you can learn some words and there is always French talkers that can help you.

Alexia was born in Mexico City and moved to Austin a year ago on September, 4 2016. She loves to read and write, but doesn't like Language Arts. Her favorite...