Affects the Gym Construction Has Had on Our School


This year, due to weather damages, our very beloved gym has been closed and under construction. They say it should presumably open back up in December, but what happens until then? Here are the many affects of the gymnasium’s absence.

  • As everyone in a P.E. class knows, we have to sit outside in the heat. Not only sitting though, we have to run and do WODs.  We all can’t wait to have our AC back in P.E.
  • If you’re in 7th or 8th grade you’ve most likely been to a dance, but for 6th graders, the first dance is special. You get to dress up, eat, and dance your heart out. But due to current events, our first social was canceled.
  • Has your class ever been interrupted by a lot of knocking noise? Well that’s the noises of our workers working on the gym or roof. This is a problem because 1) It’s a little bit loud, and 2) It’s causing focus to be shaken and class to get off track.
  • Now this isn’t much of a problem, but we all have to take a majorly modified route to the locker rooms. Usually its just a hop, skip, and a jump through the gym, but now it’s a whole new path under the bus canopy or down the secret staircase.

I don’t think I can stress enough the importance of our gym. It provides us heat free workouts and school dances. Getting our gym back will be quite the Christmas present to all of us this year.