Coins for Coats

Do you have an overflowing piggy bank? Are your parents the kind of people who leave spare coins lying around everywhere?
One way to get rid of your spare coins is to donate to our school’s Coins for Coats Drive, a smaller version of RRISD’s Clothes Closet. Every year, when winter rolls around, many kids in the RRISD school district don’t have coats to survive in the freezing weather. All of your coins will go to buying these kids coats and jackets of their own. Even if you don’t have any spare coins, you can donate your dollar bills as well! You can even have your parents write you a check to Canyon Vista.
Last year, we raised more than $2,100! We’re hoping to exceed that amount this year. The advisory from each grade level that donates the most will win a class popcorn, cupcake or ice cream sandwich party.
By turning this Coins for Coats Drive into a competition, teachers are encouraging their students to donate more money. After all, prizes and parties can be extremely motivating. For the No Fuss Fundraiser, the “prize” for donating was that Mrs. Hagerty and the assistant principal of whichever grade level donates the most would ride around the school on tricycles. I know that my advisory teacher, Mrs. Sandlin, is extremely competitive when it comes to donations. Every day, she walks around the class shaking a big black pot full of our coins and dollar bills, encouraging us to remember to donate our money. Whenever we donate money, she gives us “prizes” (usually Jolly Ranchers or Starburst gummies).
The fact that the advisory from each grade level that donates the most will win a class party might be motivational to some people, but for me, donating for a good cause is the real prize. Let’s make sure that all the kids have jackets this winter.

Amber might seem cold and strange at first, but when you get to know her properly, she warms up immediately. Amber was born in Atlanta, Georgia, but moved...