Red Ribbon Week
Next week is Red Ribbon week, which is an annual tobacco, alcohol, and other drug awareness program that occurs every October — this year from the 23-27– with themed days and activities that are meant to bring awareness to the danger of drugs and other addictive substances through a fun way.
The program has participants and recognition all over the world, with an estimated 80 million participants, and stands not only as a way to fight drugs, but also to remember Kiki Carmena, who was kidnapped, tortured, and sadly, brutally murdered by drug traffickers in Mexico.
His death shows the struggle of the fight against drugs, and by participating in Red Ribbon week, you can help bring awareness to the issue and do your part in the war against drugs and alcohol.
This year’s themes
Monday– Kick off Red Ribbon Week by wearing red.
Tuesday- Scare drugs away! Wear crazy socks, and a wild hairstyle.
Wednesday- Unite against drugs and bullying by wearing orange.
Thursday- Confuse drugs! Wear your clothes inside out or backwards.
Friday- Close Red Ribbon Week by teaming up against drugs! Wear gear from your favorite sports team.
Visit the official Red Ribbon website for more information, and to support the cause.

Zack is an 8th grader that appreciates and enjoys almost nothing, with the exception of art, music, and reptiles.