Q/A with Mrs. Mattioli


French, the romance language of France. A language that has a beautiful rhythm and a melodious tune. I love everything about the French language, and I was particularly interested about the teacher who has made this passion into a thriving career. Get to know Mrs. Mattioli, Canyon Vista’s middle school French teacher.

Q: Mrs. Mattioli, can you tell us about yourself?

A: I was born in San Francisco and my dad was stationed in Alaska, so we moved there. I grew up in North Pole, Fairbanks. As a kid, I built our own log house and we had a dog. My mother was a teacher and my dad was in the Air force.

Q: What inspired you to be a French teacher?

A: I lived in Aix-en-Provence, Nice, Saint-Germain-en-Laye and Paris. I fell in love with the French language and culture. I met my husband and we got married in over there and my two children were born there too. I worked in Histoire du Lycee International, the school my kids studied in France.

 Q: Did you want to be a French teacher growing up?

A: No, I started sports medicine in college, but I got inspired by French.

Q: How long have you been teaching at Canyon Vista and how has your experience been so far?

A.  I have been teaching at Canyon Vista for 7 years and I’m also a sponsor for the French Club. My experience has been great, and the number of French students are increasing every year.

Q: Do you enjoy teaching a language elective and how important do you think it is to learn a foreign language?

A: I do enjoy teaching a language elective and I think it’s very important to learn a language other than English because it helps a lot in the future and it’s a whole new world to discover.

Q: What are a few things you love about the French language and culture?

A: I love the food, the people and almost everything there is about French.

Q: What are three words you can use to describe yourself?

A: Enthusiastic, creative and energetic.

Q: How would you say being a teacher has affected your life?

A: I love being a teacher and I’m always delighted to learn about my students.

Q: What’s your favorite quote in French?

A: “La vie est belle” or “Life is beautiful.”

Merci Madame Mattioli d’avoir pris le temps!