Q&A with Middle School Art Students
Here at our school art is a pretty big deal. There is all kind of fine arts, but today I will especially be asking questions to the art students that are in 6th, 7th or 8th grade. At school, we have three art teachers. Mrs.Pollard, Mrs.Loera, and Mr.Ramirez. We have three levels of Art here at school: MS1, MS2, and HS1. Each teacher teaches a section. Mrs.Pollard teaches 6th,7th and 8th grade, MS1 students, .Mr.Ramirez mostly teaches MS2 students and Mrs. Loera teaches HS1 students but has one MS1 class. Here are some questions I asked some Art students about why they chose art and what is their favorite part:
“You get to express your feelings with different shapes and colors.” Ryan.S (6) said.
“You can create whatever you like without being wrong.” Rebecca.B (6) said.
“We can add our own style to our art piece.” Siyona. A (6) said.
“There is always something new to learn.” Dilaisha.P (7) said.
“Well, I got lucky on having Mr.Ramirez because he will not get mad with your work and he has a nice sense of humor.”Elena.H (7) said.
“Mrs.Lo is super fun to be around of because she makes us laugh all of the time and we know that if we have any problem we can go talk to her!” Mrs.Lo’s first-period class said.
“Mrs.Pollard is super nice she always helps us when we have trouble with something and it is really nice to have a conversation with her because she is always talking and I love it!”Aliyah.C (7) said.
Make sure that if you like something you do it and have fun while you do it. Hope that these questions helped the future 6th graders for the next school year.

Alexia was born in Mexico City and moved to Austin a year ago on September, 4 2016. She loves to read and write, but doesn't like Language Arts. Her favorite...