Open House
“It’s crazy how much these parents look like their kids,” said 7th grade teacher Mr. Chewning as parents filled in his classroom at the 7th and 8th Grade Open House on Tuesday, September 2nd.
Open house serves as a great way for parents to get to know their children’s ‘second parents’ at school. Sometimes parents may even use this as a way to know if they want to enroll their child in a different class. “I remember when my son was in fifth grade and I enrolled him in a different class after I met his teacher. Open House can be really nice for finding out if a teacher is right for your child,” Canyon Vista parent Cathy Sherwood explained.
Not only is Open House great for parents, but it’s also a great event for the students. Some students come with their parents, while some students enjoy the relaxation of staying at home without their parents nagging them. 7th grader Hannah Sandlin agrees, “I love Open House because I get to stay at home and watch Netflix while my mom goes to the school.”
Other kids such as 7th grader Zaakiya Scott come to “roam the halls” and “explore the school more,” while her parents are in her teachers’ classrooms.
Our school counselors and assistant principals also play an important role in this night. Counselors Mrs. Reilly and Mrs. Hobbs sit at the table by the Student Center and make sure to help lost parents get to their student’s classroom with ease.
Open House. Boring? Maybe. Important? Definitely. Next time you hear that Open House is coming around, don’t get bummed and bored. You can make it fun for you and your parents.