To: Ms. Neill
From: Joyce O. 8th grade
Thank you for teaching me how to become a better historian, and a well-behaved 8th grader. You are the best (“US History”) 8th grade teacher ever!!! Keep teaching History!!! 🙂 I will miss you throughout the years of high school. Keep in touch!
To: Mr. Binnicker
From: Joyce O. 8th grade
Thank you for teaching me how to do “Business” stuff throughout the year, and I will miss you so much next year… I hope this year was the best year you ever had in this school. So long, farewell. Keep teaching!! 🙂
To: Ms Yung
From: Shawna K. 6th grade
Thank you for helping me out during advisory, in the morning and after school. I like the idea of the parties once you get 100 points on the chart. Other than that you are a really nice teacher. Thanks!
To: Mr Erickson
From: Shawna K. 6th grade
Thank you for being an awesome world cultures teacher and making world cultures fun.
To: Mrs. Mattioli
From: Faith S. 8th grade
Thank you for being one of the best teachers I could ever ask for 🙂 I’ve had you for all two years of French, and I’ve learned so much within those years. Thank you for being patient with me during my confusion, and I will miss you so much in highscool 🙁 I will miss you so much~ Merci beaucoup <3
To: Ms. Neis
From:: Faith S. 8th grade
Thank you for being a great substitute for Mrs. Sharpe. Though I’m not sure whether you received this “appreciation” from me (which I hope you did), I want to thank you so much for understanding me and my…quietness 🙂 You’re really nice, and a great teacher. Thank you for everything, and I will miss you next year 🙁
To: Mrs. DeLos Santos
From: Faith S. 8th grade
Thank you for being one of the BEST teachers I could ever ask for 🙂 In 7th grade, I had an amazing teacher whom I thought could not be upstaged; but you proved me wrong. You’re truly an amazing teacher, and you always encourage me forward, not backwards. I’ve grown awfully fond of LA, and it was SO MUCH FUN having LA with you and my current classmates 🙂 Thank you for everything, and I will definitely miss you next year in Westwood 🙁
To: Mrs. Collins
From: Faith S. 8th grade
Thank you for being the BEST SCIENCE TEACHER EVER :). Literally. You’re one of the only teachers that give us coupons (I don’t know if you still do , but still), and you make class SO MUCH FUN. Though I (along with John) kinda drove you insane sometimes, I want to tell you how much I’m going to miss you in high school 🙁 Sometimes, I wish I could go back to 7th grade, and have science w/you and the 2013 8th period class….I hope that you take care of my 7th grade science notebook because honestly, my 8th grade notebook sucks. Oh, and I know I’m weird and crazy and sometimes loud, but hey, that’s just who I am 🙂 THANKS FOR EVERYTHING—–
To: Mrs. Neis
From: Joyce Z. 6th grade
Thank you for being a wonderful teacher, advisor, and friend. You brighten my day by “waking me up” in first period, and bringing “order to the court”. You are a vigorous but gentle teacher, strict but not choking, and nice but not giving. You are the Goldilocks of teachers, and I’m so glad that I have you for Study Skills. I hope you have a great week, and keep smiling!
From: TALAYA J. 6th grade
To: Mrs Rainey
From: Shawna K. 6th grade
Thank you for being an awesome science teacher and letting us do experiments and fun projects. Thanks!
To: Mr Elliott
From: Shawna K. 6th grade
Thank you for being an awesome really funny theatre teacher. I love when you go up during freeze. It makes it so fun to watch. Thanks!
To: Mrs. Neill
From: Faith S. 8th grade
Thank you for being one of the best teachers I could ever ask for 🙂 Though this your first year teaching at CVMS, you were an AMAZING teacher, and I’ve learned so much from your lessons. It was tough for me to adapt to your ways at first, but I remember, literally, “everything” (“everything” important, that is) we learned. You’re truly a great teacher, and I will miss you so much 🙁
To: Mrs. Frederick
From: Faith S. 8th grade
Thank you for being my orchestra director for all three years. I’ve improved so much from the first time I had met you (which was my 6th grade audition for Intermediate), and I realized, throughout my eight grade year, that that credit belongs to you. You have helped and supported me during hard and good times, and I truly respect you for that. Thank you helping me find leadership, courage, and dedication into everything I do, and I will truly miss you in highschool 🙁
To: Ms. Wilkinson
From: Faith S. 8th grade
Thank you for being a pretty awesome newspaper teacher. Okay, I can’t really call you straight up “awesome” ’cause that would make me a traitor for my own yearbook “kind” but….. I have to admit that this year’s newspaper website was AMAZING. Like literally, I was so stunned I didn’t know what to say ._. yeah, that’s me. I’m weird. ANYWAYS, you’re really easygoing and creative (which is the reason why you’re website is pretty awesome), and you really deserve the Teacher of the Month 🙂 Thanks for everything, and I’ll miss you in WW 🙁 PS I know I shouldn’t say this, but if I weren’t to make it into yearbook, I would have probably joined newspaper 😉 I think
To: Coach Stevenson
From: Yashvi R. 6th grade
hank you for 1) being my homeslice 2) being an awesome teacher
To: Mrs. Oliver
From: Thu N. 8th grade
Thank you for teaching me the things that I don’t know, you were the first person I knew when I first came to Canyon Vista. You helped me a lot and I really appreciate it. Thank you! :’]
To: Ms Wilkinson
From: Shawna K. 6th grade
Thank you for being an awesome technology teacher. Technology class (1st period) is really fun and entertaining.
To: Coach Nielsen
From: Shawna K. 6th grade
Thank you for being a great gym coach.
To: Mrs Jalil
From: Shawna K. 6th grade
Thank you for helping me out in the mornings and letting us do fun projects in language arts! Thanks!!!
To: Mrs. Sharpe
From: Faith S. 8th grade
Thank you for helping me so much during my first year of yearbook. I was honestly surprised to find myself part of the yearbook staff, and I later found myself truly enjoying every little bit of Yearbook 🙂 You’ve made this year a truly AMAZING experience for me, one I will never forget. Thank you so much for everything, and I will miss you in high school 🙁
To: Mrs. Holeman
From: Faith S. 8th grade
Thank you for being my Geometry teacher. You’re truly one of the nicest teachers I have, and I have learned so much in this short year 🙂 Thank you for helping me in both math AND advisory, and I will miss you in high school 🙁
To: Mrs. Lauffer
From: Faith S. 8th grade
Thank you for being one of the BESTEST teachers I could ever ask for 🙂 Though I don’t have you anymore (which really sucks, let me confirm that), I honestly think that I’ve learned and improved much more in your class than any other math class in my three years in CVMS. You REALLY know how to teach and make class interesting, and I will always remember the year when I had you and my encouraging classmates 🙂 Thank you for EVERYTHING, and I will miss you so, so much in high school 🙁
To: Mrs. Yung
From: Faith S. 8th grade
Thank you for being a great advisor. I didn’t have you for 6th grade math, but I did always, sometimes anonymous, sometimes in my true identity, go to you for advice. You’re really nice, a great teacher from what I’ve heard, and, whether you know it or not, you give probably the best advice I could ask from a teacher 🙂 Thank you so much for everything, and I will miss you in highschool 🙁