To: Ms. Arcaya
From: Michelle Lee
Thank you for letting me enjoy science 🙂
To: Mrs. Johnson
From: Paige Winterberg
Thank you for being an awesome in 6th and 7th grade. You were always so nice and helpful when we didn’t know something. I miss having you as my LA teacher!
To: Mrs. Johnson
From: David Deng
Thank you for helping me achieve the highest in me for reading.
To: Mrs. Downs
From: Violet Burns
Thank you for always being there when I need help, staying for tutoring, and being an awesome teacher!
To: Coach Stevenson
From: Delaney Willing
Thank you for being a awesome teacher and thanks for making advisory fun.
To: Mrs. Buentello
From: Austin Chung
Thank you for making US History a lot of fun this year. I know you had some rough times in class sometimes but all the skits you make us do really make you truly special. Also, you gave me great tips for getting ready for Westwood which I really think will help me succeed there. Again, thank you so much for being an awesome teacher and I really will miss you at Westwood.
To: Ms. Neill
From: Megha Jayavelu
Thank you Ms. Neill for making me able to understand U.S. History and love history this school year!
To: Coach Stevenson
From: Sarah Loohoo
Thank you for being the best teacher in the world! You are always SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO nice!!!
To: Mr. Ramirez
From: Felipe Centeno Gunz
Thank you for being the best freaking teacher I have ever had and I don’t know what i am going to do without you at Westwood.
Stay awesome batman.
To: Mr. Binnicker
From: Nikki BieberGraham
Thank you for being such amazing caring teacher. We love you so much!!!
To: Mr. Garza
From: Zac DeLane
Thank you for being a amazing life coach, and an even better Spanish teacher!
To: Mrs. Lind
From: Bernice Chen
Thanks for being so awesome! I love being in Programming Club and being able to have fun with everything that we do!
To: Mrs. Wilkinson
From: Joshua Kang
Thank you for being awesome.
To: Mrs. Nosal
From: Arundhati Subramanian
Thank you for make me feel special and never talking about my brother so much!
To: Coach Stevenson
From: Lauren Parker
Thank you for being awesome, and supporting me during track season! Don’t tell anyone, but you are secretly my favorite teacher/coach!
To: Mrs. Sharpe
From: Lauren Parker
Thank you for being the best! I loved spending 3 years with you!!!!!! ♪♪♪-Ethan
To: Mrs. Marek
From: Lauren Parker
Thank you for always being there for me!!!!
To: Mrs. Wilkinson
From: Anonymous person
Thank you for being a great teacher and always being so chill. 🙂
To: Ms. Lennox
From: George Ruhlman
Thank you for always welcoming me into your class room. Thank you for helping when it takes me a little longer to do my homework. Thank you for putting up with the constant noise of sixth period. >o< You are the best Algebra teacher I could hope for.
To: Coach Stevenson
From: Juni Kwon
Thank you for teaching us all about the stuff we need to avoid during our teenage years in leadership! Also I am thankful that you can make people laugh, including me, and that you have the best attitude! Thank you!!!