Introducing Texas Alliance for Minorities in Engineering Club
“T.A.M.E is really fun, and it is a great experience. I think everyone should join,” said 7th grader Sohan Agnihotri.
Texas Alliance for Minorities in Engineering, T.A.M.E, is an enrichment program that inspires many students to learn and offers activities and curriculum to support students interested in exploring Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) under the guidance of adult sponsors and student leaders.
“Through our T.A.M.E club, we hope to inspire creative thinkers, and future engineers,” said Mrs. Arcaya. The curriculum in T.A.M.E can be applied to anything you become in the future, such as an engineer, scientist, or any job that involves mathematics and science.
T.A.M.E has inspired future engineers and many students. These young, determined students complete formidable engineering challenges such as designing balloon cars, building the tallest tower out of limited materials, and many more difficult tasks as a group.
After improvement in engineering, 40 students from Canyon Vista, and hundreds more around the state will participate in a competition at the University of Texas at Austin. They will take a written timed math and science exam by their class level (on-level and accel for math, with science being the same level for everyone). Both of the exams are each thirty minutes long to test the student’s knowledge accuracy. Awards will be given to students that get a certain score on the two tests.
After taking the exam, students participate in engineering challenges as a group. Students are put into groups randomly, depending on the number on the ID cards students are given. Groups have two hours to plan their engineering task, then perform their ideas in front of judges. Judges are looking for leadership, determination, and creativity.
The club meets on the third Thursday of every month at 3:35, held in Room 405. T.A.M.E ends their club after the competition, which is on February 7th. This club accepts the first thirty-five applicants. Applications were due September 11th. Although it is too late to join this year, Mrs. Arcaya motivates all students to join next year! Not only is it a place to learn, but it is a place where you can have loads of fun, and to learn to interact with other people, which is used all the time!