Today is Canyon Echoes’ Fan Appreciation Day, and we want to give a huge thank you to all of our super fans. Whether you visit our site for videos, articles, tutorials or all of it, we appreciate your support. A few weeks ago, we asked you to submit your online responses to our “Biggest Fan” survey, proclaiming to us if you’re Canyon Echoes’ biggest fan. After viewing the responses, and seeing all your Canyon Echoes spirit, we’ve found a few great fans that we’d like to recognize.
Violet Burns I like Canyon Echoes because it always brightens my day. I try to visit it about 3 times a week and the new spewing hearts liking system is my favorite.Michelle Sang I like how Canyon Echoes always shows me what’s going on around the school and it’s never boring. It always entertains me whenever I visit the site.
Mrs. Stiles I visit Canyon Echoes all the time because the site and the students behind it have so much personality. For me, reading the articles and watching the videos is like being at a fun party. I LOVE CANYON ECHOES!!!Yashvi Reddy I like Canyon Echoes because I get to read my friend’s articles. I enjoy reading Amber, Brigitta and Alice’s articles and watching their videos because they are all entertaining and interesting. Whenever I read things that are posted, I get to learn something new and stay updated with what’s going on.
Rishob Dasgupta I really like that on Canyon Echoes I can keep up with the news around Canyon Vista, and I also like that it’s not like the normal news because it’s fun and exciting. My personal favorite reporter is Zac, but I think that Anna Chuo is a very good and professional reporter.Michelle Lee Some of my favorite reporters from Canyon Echoes are Alice and Bernice because they write articles on important stuff like what’s going on inside and outside of school. The website interests me because I learn new things from it and I can find out about events going on around the school.
Ishan Dhanani My favorite reporter is George, because he makes it funny and he’s cool. Canyon Echoes is just exciting, because it’s something to look at during advisory, and it keeps you updated about events and other activities going on around school.Josephine Kim I enjoy Canyon Echoes because the staff makes cool videos every Friday for students to watch. One of my favorite posts on the website is Canyon Vista’s Got Talent because CVMS students get to showcase their talents for all their friends to see.
Mental health is a an issue almost all of us face in one way or another. Each month we will be publishing a newsletter covering a specific mental heal...