Reflections: A Year to “Let Your Imagination Fly”
The 2015-2016 school year brings along a brand-new Reflections theme. Reflections is an art program run by the National PTA that encourages students from all grades to participate. Each year, a unique theme is picked to inspire students. The theme this year is “Let Your Imagination Fly”. Students will reflect on the theme and create artwork fit to it. “Artwork” is not only limited to visual drawings but also dance choreography, film production, literature, music composition, and photography. The program is open to students of all abilities and grades. “Reflections is a great extension of the art program for students who want to broaden their perspective in art outside of the classroom,” said Mrs. Loera. Students can submit as many entries into as many categories (including visual arts, choreography, film, literature, composition, and photography) as they want. For more information to help you get started, we have asked Michelle Lane, a PTA Executive Board Member some questions.
When is the deadline to turn in submissions?
Monday, November 3rd.
What is the most important thing that the judges look for?
Who judges the submissions?
Community members.
What are the possible areas and levels you can receive awards in?
All work is judged at the local (Canyon Vista) level. 20% from each category will be selected to advance to council (district) level. At council level, pieces will receive recognition from “participation”, to “honorable mention”, “award of merit”, and top honors, which is “award of excellence”.
Do you have any advice for entering students?
Start right away. Put some thought into your artist’s statement because it will help the judges understand how you see your piece relating to the theme.
Remember, your entry needs to be an original work of the entering student – the judges are looking for creativity. Any Canyon Vista student (who is a member of CVMS PTA or parent who is a member) is allowed to participate — you don’t have to be the best artist or dancer. You just have to “Let Your Imagination Fly”!
What do you need to turn in along with you submissions?
You must have a Student Entry Form completed and attached to your piece. Best way to protect this form is to sleeve it into a sheet protector or gallon size ziplock baggy; use easy to remove tape (such as painters tape) to attach your form to the back of your piece. If you are submitting a piece of literature, make sure you have an electronic copy saved; print 2 copies to turn in and put in a manila folder. If submitting photography, it’s a good idea to mount your photo onto something sturdy (like a mat or manila folder) to protect your photo. For dance, film, or music, it would be best if the piece is turned in as a file and on a USB drive. All USBs will be returned to the owner after judging at the last advancing level. Use gallon size ziplock baggy to turn in USB and student entry form.
All rules and guidelines and the downloadable student entry form can be found at
Reflections is a wonderful way for students to be creative in all different forms of art. Everyone is encouraged to participate. Let your imagination fly!