Showing Thanks Everyday

Thanksgiving is all about appreciating and being thankful for what we have. Gratefulness can be shown in many different ways — from cards to favors, or even a bouquet of flowers. Being thankful is actually way easier than you think. “Doing chores for my mom is my way of showing thanks,” said 7th grader Sasha Ali. Showing your gratitude is simple, and here are seven ideas to just do that.
1. Don’t be afraid to give
Whenever you get the chance, make something for someone you love or appreciate. Anything from a picture or drawing to a nice breakfast in bed the receiver will definitely feel more appreciated.
2. Be positive
Shift your language to seek something that always has the potential to be positive. Thinking or speaking positively can release stress and lead to success in things you do. It can also mean you can spend more time with people you love without having tensions to worry about. Being positive not only makes you a better person, but it also shows respect to your loved ones.
3. Spend time with family
Start scheduling more time to spend with those you love. Set aside a few hours to spend with your family, without any electronic devices to distract communication through words. Verbal communication has been proved to be better than texting. So set aside technology for a while and spend time with people you love. They will be sure to appreciate it!
4. Do things with or for your friends
When you do things that you don’t necessarily enjoy doing but you do them anyways because your friend likes to do them, they will value you as a good friend who will spend time with them no matter what. When doing something you’ve never done, you can discover something new that you’ll like or discover things you might never want to experience again.
5. Volunteer your time
Did you know that your brain gives you rewards when you help someone? The reward is called endorphins. In the 1980s, a study by New York City’s Institute for the Advancement of Health revealed that this is what happens when you get a “helper’s high.” This energetic response makes you feel better both physically and mentally, boosting self-esteem as well as energy. Turns out, doing something right for someone can also be nice to you too!
6. Surround yourself with happiness
Laugh when you make mistakes and try avoiding breakdowns. Research shows that people who surround themselves with happiness are the most likely to be successful, so take charge of your own destiny with the help of endorphins! Although everyone goes through hard times, you don’t have to let that drag you down. Surrounding yourself with gratitude can also be a big thank you to others. Your happiness can enlighten them too, causing a connection of gratefulness and happiness. Plus, they won’t have to deal with your crankiness.
7. Give out compliments
Even if you don’t know who the person is, compliment them. Whether it’s about their clothes, talents, or skills, they will feel happy and be thankful that there are people like you in the world. Complimenting can go a long way and put a smile on their face, so be sure to compliment someone and brighten their day.
Showing thanks has always been a good way to appreciate the people around us and we should certainly keep doing it. It makes people around us happier, causing us to be happier as well. So go ahead and make the world a better place, one act of gratitude at a time.

Riddhi is back for a second year at canyon echoes, this time as an editor. Riddhi has joined again because of her love for writing and photography. Other...