Climate Change

Infographic created by Joshua Louie on
Infographic created by Joshua Louie on

Climate change is an effect that has puzzled people all over the world, from scientists to normal civilians. It has been affecting the planet for many years, and some of the severe effects are global warming, an increase in carbon dioxide in the air, and less ice at the poles.

Rising Sea Levels 

Rises in sea level have been persisting for the past decade or so. This means that glaciers and other ice sources have been melting, and ultimately pouring immense amounts of water into the sea. Also, the sea has been expanding due to the warmth of the earth. This impacts sea-level communities that have little protection from the rising sea.

Rising Carbon Dioxide Levels 

Getting rid of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere has been a persisting problem. Ever since the Industrial Revolution, carbon dioxide levels have been increasing dramatically. Carbon dioxide is brought along by deforestation and through different human activities like the burning of fossil fuels.

Rising Global Temperatures 

Temperatures have been steadily rising after the last Ice Age, which means numerous things will happen in its wake. For example, this will cause a rise in sea level due to the runoff from the glaciers. But, this rise in temperature isn’t due to the sun coming closer to earth. The real cause of the rise in temperature is the increase in carbon dioxide levels. When the sun heats the earth, the heat cannot escape the atmosphere–making carbon dioxide a greenhouse gas. Then, this heat travels toward the earth’s surface, and soon, global temperatures rise.  A way to help reduce this impact is to reduce the carbon emissions coming from factories and cars so less carbon dioxide will be emitted into the atmosphere. Also, people can plant more trees to absorb carbon dioxide and turn it into oxygen.

Decreasing Glacial Volume 

This ties into the rise of global seas because of the extra water the glaciers give. With global temperatures on the rise, the already depleted storage of frozen ice continues to melt. As glaciers are habitats for many animals, this can take away their habitat where they have lived many years.

“Climate change is a serious issue that needs to be addressed in order to protect organisms across the globe,” said 8th grader Dylan Dong. People all over the world should try to stop climate change from taking any more endangered species around the world. The effects of global warming are not limited to those listed above. So, everyone should work together to preserve our world and protect it from global warming.