Q&A with Ambica Yellamraju
Ambica and Aparna Yellamraju are seventh graders here at our school. They play competitive chess for the nation. Here is a Q and A with Ambica.
Q: When did you start playing chess?
A: I started playing chess in second grade, but I started playing competitive chess in fourth grade
Q: When was your first tournament?
A: My first tournament was in second grade
Q: Who do you play for?
A: Right now I play for the US team.
Q: Where have you traveled for chess?
A: I have traveled to all over South America and all over the US.
Q: Do you play people who speak a different language than you?
A: Yes, mostly Spanish speaking people.
Q: How many chess sets do you own?
A: I own around 25 chess sets.
Q: How long have you played chess?
A: I have played chess for about 3 to 4 years.
Q: How long was your longest match?
A: My longest match was 6 hours.
Q: How long was you shortest match?
A: My shortest math was 5 minutes.
Q: Have you ever won a national championship?
A: No, but I am on my way to win many in the future!

Ariel was born in Florida, but moved to Austin at age two. She loves to read, especially the Land of Stories series. Speaking of books, Ariel enjoys Language...