Lemonade Fundrasier for CVMS


Two 7th graders, Olivia Hadzi-Pavlovic (7) and Lexy Hall (7) organized a fundraiser to provide school supplies for middle school teachers. This fundraiser was a lemonade stand and the money was going to go to the school. Specifically, it was to supply money for the school to purchase tissues and paper.

At the beginning of the year, each student is sold a box of school supplies and in them has two boxes of tissues and a stack of notebook paper. You are then instructed to give those supplies to your Advisory teacher. There is then no more for your personal use and with a whole school year ahead you will definitely need quite a few more tissue boxes and paper to sustain your needs for the upcoming days ahead.

This is the information that Olivia and Lexy knew. So, they had a two-day lemonade stand to raise funds for the school. They had raised $240.73. They then gave that money to the administration of and requested that the money could go directly to purchase tissues and paper.

Both Hall and Hadzi-Pavlovic are great examples of how students should be: generous, kind, and thoughtful. I have asked them a few questions to learn more about their inspiration behind their fundraiser.  

Question 1. “What inspired you to create this fundraiser?”

A: “We saw a need within the school that created this spark that alarmed us and we saw we needed to help. Teachers need basic supplies like paper and fine arts cost lots of money. Like orchestra instruments break easily but money doesn’t grow on trees.”

Question 2. “Are you happy with the results?”

A: “Yes, we are very happy with the results!”

Question 3. “Is there anything else you would like to add?”

 A: “We had help from Svesha Jampala. With everyone that helped we were able to raise so much money. Half of this money went to fine arts and the other half went to the other teachers.”

Hall and Hadzi-Pavlovic did an unselfish deed to help our school. Every step is one closer to creating a better Canyon Vista.