Orchestra Fall Concert 2018
This week, on Nov. 9, CVMS orchestra is having a fall concert; all five orchestras are performing on the Round Rock PAC stage. Especially for 6th graders, this concert is a big event; because to them, it’s probably the first time playing on stage. So here are some interviews from students from FYO Orchestra (First Year Orchestra )and Prelude Orchestra;
Q. How do you feel about the orchestra fall concert?
“A little nervous and excited.” -Soham Takuri (6)
“I feel pretty good and excited too.” -Prince Kumar (6)
“Excited and nervous, because there’s going to be a lot of people in the audience.” -Maya Spindler (6)
“I’m super excited and not nervous; because Mr. Whatley prepared as really well.” -Maggie Lee (6)
Q. Do you think your orchestra is prepared?
“Yes, because we’ve been practicing a lot.” -Shrey Birmiwal (6)
“I think yes, because when we play almost none of us are out of tune.” -Maya Spindler (6)
“Pretty much, because I think we’re playing the right notes.” -Leah Kleinman (6)
“Yes, because Mr. Whatley gave us tips for us to not mess up.” -Prince Kumar (6)
“I think most of us; because some of us are like goofing around. Still, since we’ve been focusing on all of the 3 songs we’re going to play from the beginning of the year, I think we’re ready.” -Maggie Lee(6)
Q. Do you have other things to say about orchestra?
“Orchestra is my favorite class. I wish it was a little longer.” -Maya Spindler (6)
“Mr. Whatley is a great teacher.” -Leah Kleinman (6)
“Orchestra’s really really fun, and I look forward going to orchestra every day.” -Maggie Lee (6)
Because of the fact of playing in a big performance center, and that it’s the first time playing at a concert, sixth graders surely seem to be excited and sort of nervous at once. For more concert-experienced students a concert could be an easy one. Here’s some interviews with students from Honors Orchestra and Chamber Orchestra;
Q. How do you feel about the orchestra fall concert?
“Pretty much excited. Last year’s concerts were really fun, so I think this concert is going to be fun, too.” -Chloe Zeng (7)
“I’m really looking forward to it. I think concerts are really enjoyable experiences.” -Brandee Benson (7)
“Excited, I think because we’re playing in the PAC, with many people watching.” -Rohini Sreenivasan (8)
“Pretty nervous; since I’m a sixth grader and it’s the first time playing in a concert.” -Daniel Wong (6)
Q. Do you think your orchestra is prepared?
“I think we’re rather pre-prepared; because we still have minor things to work on.” -Chloe Zeng (7)
“Yes. I think everybody is going to do a great job, since we have been practicing a lot.” -Brandee Benson (7)
“Yes, because we’ve been preparing for a long time.” -Rohini Sreenivasan (8)
Q. Do you have other things to say about orchestra?
“It’s a great experience; because you can work with lot’s of people by playing together.” -Rohini Sreenivasan (8)
“Orchestra is fun; and you can make friends too.” -Daniel Wong (6)
So as far as the interviewed students say, it seems like they are well prepared and ready to perform. Also like orchestra students, the orchestra teacher seems to be very positive about the concert too. This is the interview with Mr. Whatley, the orchestra teacher:
Q. How do you feel about the orchestra fall concert?
“I am very excited about the concert. Everyone is well prepared!”
Q. Do you have something to say to all the orchestra students?
“I want to say to all the orchestra students, to enjoy making(playing) music to the audience.”

Yoonjoo is a 7th grade student who loves reading, drawing, and music. She is learning to be more comfortable with computers by working her best as a reporter...