Did the Moon Landing Really Happen?


Mankind first stepped on the moon on July 20, 1969. It’s been over 50 years. Why hasn’t there been another moon landing? Why does NASA not plan on sending people back to the moon? Was it because it was fake?

There have been many conspiracy theories about the moon landing being fake. But could it actually end up to be true?

Out of all the Americans that have been surveyed, around 20% of Americans say that the moon land was fake. Among these people, Golden State Warrior, Stephen Curry thinks that the moon landing was fake. Ever since he said that NASA has been trying to prove him wrong.

Out of all of the conspiracy theories, many say that there were no stars in the photo that the astronauts took when they were on the moon, proving that it was fake. Another reason why they had the landing staged was that they wanted to win the Space Race. The Space Race is a competition between nations regarding the achievements they made in the space field.

There might be some logical reasons why people think the landing was fake, but NASA has been piling evidence proving that the landing was real.

For all the people who asked where in the universe are the stars…(no pun intended) experts say that the contrast between light and dark was extreme, and therefore could not be seen with the human eye. Whatever in the world that means, they still have more proof.

In one of the conspiracy theories that are out there is that there was a photo of a rock that was labeled with the letter C. Usually props are labeled so stagehands know where to place them. But the label wasn’t there. The original photo did not have the letter C. They said that while the photo was being copied a thread or a piece of hair must have been stuck. I’m not so sure about a hair or a piece of thread would shape out exactly to be the letter C while it was getting copied. Seems kind of weird. Check out this website to see the pictures.

When the Apollo crew had successfully completed their mission, they brought back rock samples of the moon’s surface. That makes the whole moon landing thing seem legit and all, but who knows. It could be just as fake as everything else.

After reading all the crazy conspiracy theories and all, I’m starting to believe that the moon landing was fake. I mean the conspiracy theories were actually believable enough to make me think about this. Let’s be real. It’s been over 5o years and they haven’t sent any astronauts back to the moon. Why?