CVMS Sixth Graders Run the Cap 10K

I interviewed two CVMS mustangs about their accomplishments in marathon running.

Laksh (left) and Subramani (right) after completing the Cap 10K. n

Here at Canyon Vista Middle School, we have two up-and-coming runners! Friends Laksh Ravi (6th) and Subramani Murugananth (6th) recently completed the Cap 10K marathon here in Austin. I interviewed the two about their experience.

How long have you been running?

Subramani: “I’ve been running since I was seven, and I’m twelve now.”

Laksh: “About five years.”

What inspired you to take on the Cap 10K this year?

Subramani: “My dad ran the Cap 10K last year, and wanted me to run it this year.”

Laksh: “My dad finished a marathon this year, and he asked me to run the Cap 10K.”

What is your favorite part about running a marathon?

Subramani: ” The end, because you feel happy! You made it all the way to the end.”

Laksh: “Probably the finish line.”

What is the biggest challenge in running that you’ve had to overcome?

Subramani: “Endurance. It’s hard to run long distances. And it’s hard to start since it feels so overwhelming.”

Laksh: “Starting. It’s hard to get your mind in the right place to start running.

What are some future goals in running you’d like to accomplish?

Subramani: “I’d like to do a full marathon one day, and build up my endurance so I can run every day.”

Laksh: “To slowly start increasing the distance I’m able to run.”