Deca is the club of mock business, where students try to build business simulations to build useful skills in the real world. The club meets on Thursday mornings from 7:30-8:00 a.m in rm 307.
“It (Deca) helps develop business assets, so when you’re old and stuff, you know stuff,” Jayan Patel (7) said.

Deca builds a mock business by managing small projects and business scenarios. This club is an offshoot of Westwood’s DECA club. Deca is sponsored by BIM (Business Information Management) teacher Mr. Hampf. Each student manages small projects created by the leader of the offshoot.
“There’s two girls that come up and just speak about finances, like, different topics every week and they just talk about how that runs in Deca,” Sophie Chen (7) said.
DECA is not just something for Westwood to do. Deca is a nonprofit organization started in 1946. DECA’s mission is to prepare aspiring business people in high schools and colleges for anything a life in business could throw at them. Deca’s main headquarters is located in Reston, Virginia, a suburb of Washington DC.
“Mr. Hampf just supervises us, but those people over there (the two girls mentioned by Sophie Chen), they do the presentation and stuff,” Jayan Patel (7) said.