What are AP and IB Classes?
As you know all 8th graders had the chance to take a PreAP class this year, which is a class that gets you used to AP classes in High School and gives you a good look at if AP classes are for you. The AP program has several awards to recognize exceptional performance by AP students. Like an AP scholar which is given to students who receive scores of three or higher on three or more AP Exams. The IB classes are a lot tougher than AP program and you also have to take the IB exams. IB Stands for International Baccalaureate Which means it is a great way to become successful and to get a higher education. AP stands for Advanced Placement which will give you college credit if you are successful in that class. They are both very rigorous courses that colleges like to see on high school transcripts. And they offer great preparation for college.
You are Allowed to take both IB and AP at the same time but its easier to take one a year. It is an amazing opportunity to pursue college-level classes while still in high school. Passing your high school final will not be enough for a college to allow the class to count for credit. You must also take and pass the AP/IB test. According to the College Board’s website, the tests are administered in May, and scores are sent out to students and colleges in June.

Jack Purcell likes sketching, and ceramics. He was in Mr. Ramirez’s art class for 6th and 7th grade and is now in Mrs. Loera’s class for 8th grade....