PTA October General Meeting


The first item on the PTA agenda was that there are two PTA positions open – Art in the Classroom with Art and World Cultures teachers. This job is to bring in art to the classrooms based on a predetermined curriculum.  The second job is the spring clothes closet chair, which oversees the collection of clothes.

The second item on the agenda was that we lost the clothes closet competition with McNeil and Westwood won the Homecoming football game.   

We currently have 999 PTA members. We need one more member, so tell your family, grandparents, neighbors, etc. If 100% of the staff joins the PTA we get the Golden Apple award.

The next PTA meeting is on November 14th and it is reflection night. We are having our first social, which will be Friday December 1st in the NEW GYM!

The main topic of this PTA meeting was getting to know our new student resource officer, Officer Pope. He has many years experience in law enforcement and criminal justice. Officer Pope works for ACC police force. They support 14 schools around the state, mainly in Williamson, Travis, Hays, and Bastrop counties. Officer Pope believes that “When you don’t have an officer on a school campus that’s an issue.” One of his first duties was to work with the staff on how to fix our traffic issue. Together they made a five vehicle let out rule. Five people leave five people come in. This is how it is to be done in the morning and afternoon. Officer Pope would appreciate if all parents would follow this rule.

Officer Pope and Mrs. Hagerty talked about social media, which is positive, but there is a bad side. Children do things parents don’t know. Parents could possibly think about getting a program on their devices so that they can monitor what their children look at. We need to monitor our children’s phones; secret apps can be on your student’s phone hiding their movies, videos, etc. Mrs. Hagerty said that you should take your child’s phone and look through it on a regular basis. A cellphone contract could be a good tool. Having consequences for breaking this contract could be a good idea to get them to sign it. It’s for you to be able to protect your child.

The school gets involved with cyberbullying/inappropriate material and an investigation will be started. There is a severity to some stuff that might seem funny. Digital citizenship and footprint is a thing that we do need to think about.

The role of an SRO (Student Resource Officer) is to be a teacher as well. One of the things he teaches is that “just joking” is never an acceptable excuse.

Officer Pope talked about bullying. As a parent you should know your kids friends. If you have an issue with bullying contact Officer Pope or Mrs. Hagerty. Counselors are also a good person to turn to.

Bus Conduct was another portion of the meeting. A bus driver has a very tough job. They have to deal with motorcycles, kids attacking each other, etc. Ask your bus driver if your child is a good kid on the bus. Deal with it if they are not.

Officer Pope also talked to the group about being a “snitch.” A child has to say something because a catastrophe can happen. Don’t worry about being a snitch. If you see something off let Officer Pope and Mrs. Hagerty know. You are not tattling or snitching you’re just making a report.

Canyon Vista needs parent support. All parents always try to defend the child first. Parents need to support their children and try to fix the problem. If an officer or administrator is talking to a child, it’s because they care for the child. They do it because they don’t want the child to have a huge issue; they want to get the child back on track. If you or your child is ever involved in an incident with another student, you should never approach the child or parent because you will be held accountable for investigation interference. It’s a good idea to explain to your children the school’s code of conduct.

It was clear from this meeting that Officer Pope is a valuable addition to Canyon Vista.