Origami Club

Origami Club

A new club that was made just a few weeks ago was the origami club.

It has become slightly popular over the time that it has existed. I’m proud to be a co-founder of the club along with Dhruv Pant (8) and Raghav Rangan (8).We started the club a little over 3 weeks ago along with the consent of Ms. Hagerty.

The origami club is a club where we teach you all sorts of origami, big or small, complicated or simple. The origami club is for anyone that wants to learn origami or any style of paper art. The meetings are every Wednesday from 3:45-4:30 in Ms. Kuttana’s room. People who are interested in it can just walk into Ms. Kuttana’s room after school on Wednesday. Right now we are starting with basic planes, but as the weeks move along we will go into some harder stuff.  You don’t need to know anything about origami to join as we will brief and teach you everything. The club is just if you want to come have fun, make origami creations, and test your creations. When I say test I mean we are still in the the plane “subject” and we test them in the hallway. (Hint: There may be prizes involved.)


Image result for complicated origami