Strongly Anticipated School Dance Announced
After a long wait, the gym has finally been repaired, and with that comes the ability to use the gym, have pep rallies and the most anticipated event, school dances.
This year we have had no school dances, or, socials as they’re also know. The 7th and 8th graders may not have cared this much, especially having already experienced a handful during their years in middle school, but the new batch of 6th graders this year haven’t.
School dances are a great opportunity to meet up with friends, listen to music, and get hyped up on sugar and strobe lights. The theme for this first dance has not yet been announced, but we can assume it will be somewhat winter themed, seeing as it takes place on Dec. 1, the Friday after Thanksgiving Break.
We have plenty of memories from previous school dances recorded on our website, if you want a preview of what to expect, check out the links and videos below!

Zack is an 8th grader that appreciates and enjoys almost nothing, with the exception of art, music, and reptiles.