Pros and Cons of Braces

Everyone knows that moment when the camera flashes and you’ve been caught in a strange expression, or the time when someone sneaks in a picture when you’re in an extremely odd position. Although no one can prevent the embarrassment of having an awkward photo taken, one can make the situation less mortifying if they don’t have to worry about their smile. An easy way to ensure a flawless smile is to get braces. Even if braces aren’t perfect, they still help children gain confidence in addition to a better smile.

Click to enlarge. Infographic created by Alice Zhang
Click to enlarge. Infographic created by Alice Zhang

Here at Canyon Vista, a vast majority of the students go about their day while braces slowly shape their teeth into brilliant smiles. But the use of braces is not completely positive. As many students have found out, the use of braces can be quite irritating, especially since they scrape against their inner cheek. 8th grader Michelle Duan jokes, “Both blood and tears were shed.” But besides the pain and discomfort, braces are also very costly, with prices that can go up to $7,000, although the average treatment costs around $5,000 according to sources at the Livestrong Foundation. Plus, if the braces are not treated the correct way, they may have to get them redone a second or third time and experience the pain all over again.

However, braces also have many positive aspects. The obvious reason is that they correct one’s bite, but straighter smiles can also improve their confidence. If these reasons are not enough, studies have proven that having braces can help prevent tooth decay due to the fact that braces straighten one’s teeth so that they do not overlap. This can help prevent their teeth from wearing out and make chewing food easier. Even if their teeth are perfectly aligned, it makes them less prone to receiving gum diseases, jaw disorders or cavities. One particularly vicious disorder is the Temporomandibular Joint dysfunction, or TMJ . This disorder creates severe pain in the jaw and can be caused by either stress, or an incorrect bite pattern. Using braces and other dental equipment can be used to correct these problems, and ensure that painful disorders like TMJ do not happen.

So, it’s up to you to decide: are braces really worth all the hassle?