Mustang Profile: Mrs. Finnigan

Mrs. Finnigan conducting the Symphonic Band and getting them ready for their next performance. Photo by Rohan Gupta.
Mrs. Finnigan conducting the Symphonic Band and getting them ready for their next performance. Photo by Rohan Gupta.

Here at Canyon Vista, we are proud of many things. Something we take exceptional pride in is our amazing band and we have a new teacher joining this amazing program to help our band win some more awards–Mrs. Finnigan.

Mrs. Finnigan was born and raised in Lancaster, Ohio. She has one older brother who is married and has three kids. When she was 23 years old, she moved from Ohio to Texas. After three years in Texas, she left for Guadalajara, Mexico. There, she taught band at the University of Guadalajara in Mexico. After five years in Mexico, Mrs. Finnigan moved back to Texas to teach band first at Gorzycki Middle School in Austin ISD, then here at Canyon Vista.

Mrs. Finnigan loves the Harry Potter series. “The story takes me to another place and I can’t put the book down until it’s finished,” says Finnigan. Outside of school, she plays with a regional orchestra in Corpus Christi, Texas, traveling there about one time per month for rehearsals and concerts. She also enjoys spending time with her husband and their two pets, Wynton, a Maltese poodle, and Apollo, an orange tabby cat. She also loves to watch football with her husband and roots for the Saints!

“I love teaching band because I enjoy students who learn a new instrument and then continue to grow and go to higher levels on that instrument.” This was Mrs. Finnigan’s response when asked why she loves to teach band. She teaches flutes, clarinets, oboes, bassoons, and saxophones to the sixth graders. Be sure to welcome Mrs. Finnigan to our great school!