District Meet
The District Meet happened on April 4 and 5, and the Mustangs had quite a showing! 7th grade got 193 points. Second place was far behind with 87 points; that’s a really big difference! 7th and 8th-grade girls earned individual District Championships! Canyon Vista and Ridgeview were pretty close but our girls beat them by two and a half points so congrats Mustangs. The 8th-grade boys finished 3rd overall and 7th grade finished 9th overall. As a whole school, Canyon Vista managed to get first place and earn a gold board to hang in our gym.
Congratulations to all of the Mustangs who earned the district championship. Make sure you congratulate them if you see them in the hallway!

Alexia was born in Mexico City and moved to Austin a year ago on September, 4 2016. She loves to read and write, but doesn't like Language Arts. Her favorite...